Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thesis In Progress

Cow Head Sculpture. I am working on an accompaniment piece which will be a large sized piece of corn on a plate with a fork and knife.

"Family Portrait" I am going to make a ceramic gold intricate frame to go with this piece.

Cut Out Cow Milk Bottles continued. Unfortunately I made these too thin and they warped in the glaze firing. In the process of making thicker ones and possibly firing to a lower temperature.

Chicken Mason Jars.

Look closely. They look like flowers but the image repeating in the rim of the plate is a farmhouse. I am continuing the plate series but I wanted to add another layer. After they are fired I will add the factory farming images to center of plates.

Series of 8 deformed chicken heads. I want to display these on uniform red bricks.

Slip Cast Plates with Factory Farming Images. Might add some intricate designs on plate rim using gold luster paint.

Americana Farm Milk Bottles

Slip Cast Chicken. May slip cast multiples.